Friday, April 20, 2007

Letter sent to Eve Ensler / Vagina Monologues

I sent this e-mail today:

Dear V-Day,

I operate a blog where I write about women and body image. It is called A Celebration of Curves ( Every day I hear from women regarding their self image.

I am writing you today to tell you about a blogger who sent me a note telling me about a game her teenage daughter is playing in her high school. They call it the Vagina Movie game. You take a movie title and replace a key word in the title with the word vagina, for instance: The Day the Vagina Stood Still, or Dog Day Vagina or Teenage Mutant Ninja Vaginas.

I am thrilled about this! The fact that the word vagina is being used in high schools, by boys and girls, in such a casual if they were saying elbow, makes me very happy indeed. If teenage girls can talk about their bodies with such casual humor than perhaps they can also be comfortable discussing more serious matters regarding their bodies such as their self-image and sex.

Please visit Dr. Sharna

Thank you for everything you do to make the world a better place for my vagina.

Corinna Makris


Fantasy Writer Guy said...

Hey - it's great to see people of substance standing up for a cause that is kind and true. Marvelous use of blog space!

Thanks for dropping in and please don't read my review of 300! As a zealous student of the art of storytelling I can be very critical at times!

In truth, any story, like any song, is worthwhile should it delight even just one person.

Ginene said...

LOL That was cute. Now I replace my favorite movies with it. Too funny.

Glen said...

That is a creative way to make positive use of a word. Coolness.

Dr. Brainiac said...

The Girl and I watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Vagina last night. Everybody sing..."Isn't it nice to have a penis?"

Anonymous said...

Good post!

Women suffer from low self esteem due to how they look. Take a look at my recent post on how to love yourself more with this simple exercise :

Attracting Love, Wealth and Health
Alison Lee

Anonymous said...

Which is better, Vagina Now or Apocalypse Vagina? Same movie title with totally different twist.

Dee Jour said...

I read about the Vagina inserts, and I'm still trying to find an insert...but I'm practically laughing my heart out at the comment above: Apocalypse Vagina. I love that!

Anonymous said...

The world's change unlike the old days in the past.

I started to play the game too. I replaced Spiderman III to Vaginaman III and I begin to laugh when I imagine how will he look like.